Listen carefully Dear One. People will have so much more to say…beyond what you can hear …?
What will it feel like when you manifest your dream? Try to feel into that, conjure up the feeling place of already holding it in your hands. That’s where the power lies. That’s where the manifestations happen.
I have never considered myself ‘better’ than anyone…ever. Different, yes. But my ego can take a chill pill around me ever thinking I’m better. I’m well aware that everyone can be my teacher.
Quality over quantity
If you don’t enjoy their company don’t keep them around just to stay in the ‘know’. That kind of ‘know’ just ain’t worth losing your alignment for.
I’m THAT Girl
I’ve always been that person ♥️ I always win I always walk off with the prize Luck has always been on my side I always get what I dream of I’m a blessed person, I was born to have every Read more
To you my friend…
To you my darling friend…. you know who you are… You are not alone, you cannot begin to fathom the capacity of the Divine Consciousness within you. This energy is truly guiding you. Trust this inner pilot. Everything is unfolding Read more