Intelligent weight loss
If you are constantly focused on ‘fixing’ what you perceive as an issue or problem, you will attract more issues to fix. If you are trying to get control of weight gain, constantly assessing why you eat what you eat, Read more
your path is yours.
My relationship with my Creator is mine to choose. I don’t concern myself with what others choose to believe or not. Don’t be bullied by Society, your path is yours and yours alone.
Right on time
You are right on time and exactly where you belong. You can get to anywhere you desire from here and inside you is everything you need to do it.
Emotional calories.
Regret. Guilt. Blame. Shame. Has way more calories than any food could possibly contain. Understand the real cause of what the ‘weight’ you’re holding on to. ?
Everything is Divine Guidance.
Everything is Divine Guidance. This is the right place. This is the right time. Nothing is amiss. You will look back at this place in hindsight and be in absolute gratitude. This is exactly what you needed for clarity. The Read more
Thoughts become things
What an enormously liberating and frustrating thought! Although, it’s totally in our hands to edit the script.