Being human is not for the weak. This journey involves so much revelation of the hearts capacity to be torn open, wrenched out and still have enough space to love, to forgive and to care. I don’t know the steps you will take today, maybe you are dealing with grief, maybe you have financial concerns, maybe a loved one is ill, maybe you are ill, maybe your work is not the place you feel you belong in or maybe you are longing to live a different life to the one you have. I do know that I too have faced those circumstances, and I know that choosing to trust myself has always worked in my favour. You see, inside me I truly believe I am loved by my Source, I truly believe the Universe is a force that most humans can’t comprehend, I actually believe in the healing power and magic of love, I believe that being on my side, is what can change every circumstance in my life. Sometimes you won’t get what you want, you may get better. Can you open your mind and heart to know that if life doesn’t work the way you are hoping, that it will in another way? If you are able to let of the attachment to a specific result, what you want will come faster, maybe even better. Its called letting go of resistance. Resistance is when we feel something can only work in one way, or when we see no other outcome, or we refuse to be on our side. There are so many techniques to strengthen your mind, people can send you off to psychologists, therapists, NLP, CBT, hypnosis and an endless array of what can empower you and they are all good but the simplest quickest most empowering gift you can give yourself is to place your hand on your beautiful heart, take a deep breath in, close your eyes and trust that place within you, that awareness, that is where there is a love so beautiful, where your Source is holding you and telling you ‘Child, you worry too much, I have you.’ Life will always work out for you no matter what it looks like, I have seen this in my own life. Sending you so much love from the bottom of my heart.